Nov 28th, 2016

Wild Art: A Journey Off-Canvas Request for Proposals

Wild Art: A Journey Off-Canvas Request for Proposals

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden invites emerging and established artists to submit proposals for Wild Art: A Journey Off-Canvas, a temporary outdoor exhibition of art inspired by nature. The RFP includes a detailed description of the exhibition, the schedule, guidelines, selection criteria, and application requirements. Proposals are due by midnight, January 15, 2017.

Interested artists are strongly encouraged to attend a pre-proposal meeting on either Thursday, December 8 at 4 p.m. or Saturday, December 10 at 1 p.m. The meeting will include an overview of the RFP as well as a walking tour of the installation sites. RSVP required to

As the Exhibitions Manager at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Kristin Thoroman leads the development of seasonal exhibitions that support the Garden's mission to connect people through plants to improve communities. When not at the Garden, she loves exploring the sights and sounds of Richmond.

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