What’s New in the Garden Shop
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is constantly changing with the seasons. In spring buds blossom: early crocus give way to daffodils and then tulips take the main stage. Spring ephemerals like Virginia bluebells are the star one week, then azaleas and roses burst into bloom and as the days warm, hydrangea and daylilies and summer annuals fill our world with tropical color. The ever-changing nature, of well, nature, keeps things fresh and exciting. It brings back visitors week after week because something is always new and different. And garden lovers that we are, is a jumping off point that inspired us to transform the Garden Shop! The staff and volunteers who work in the shop wanted to bring a bit of this freshness to our retail store.

Some new jackets with fun, spring and summery prints are front and center. Each print was handpicked to embody the changing seasons. The shop even has a changing room for you to try on anything that catches your eye.
Everything in the Garden Shop is now in a new place, plus, we’ve added lots of new stock. One of the biggest pushes for rearranging where products are is functionality. Heather Pearce, Garden Shop Assistant Manager, says the goal is to make sure that each area has a purpose.
“We’re trying to mesh departments and create a better flow,” she said. One of the first things you’ll notice when you walk into the shop is the new location for clothing. The previous location opened up more for items that roll better into the rear of the shop.
Children’s Area
We love kids! When you make your way through the store, you will see the new section for kids. Here is where you can find books, rubber animals, puppets and more. One of our favorite new finds? These new slap bracelet watches, perfect for your little explorer.
Kitchen and Home Decor
The area that used to house clothing is now the new (and expanded) kitchen and home goods area. Some new items include aprons, oven mitts, ceramic figurines, and Easter-themed items. We will be adding even more kitchen items to the shop in the next few weeks.

Here are some of the differently printed aprons you can choose from. Each apron is $27.95. Get a matching oven mitt for only $17.95!
The Art of Play
One exciting thing coming to the Garden at the end of March is The Art of Play. The shop decided to add colorful kites and chalk to the shop so you can take the fun home with you even after playing all day.
In the back of the shop, you’ll notice that you can see a lot more than you could before. That’s because the large shelves were removed and replaced with shorter tables. Here’s where you can find seed packets and various other gardening supplies. Don’t forget about the bird section! It has everything from felted birdhouses, stuffed birds that sing and feeders.
We Love Our Members in the Shop!
Coming up in March is Member Appreciation Month (formerly March Madness) where we’ll be celebrating our Garden members all month long. We’ll end the month-long celebration a 15 percent off discount in the shop with From March 25 – March 31, 2019. This would be a great time for you to come by and see the newly arranged shop and purchase items you have your eye on. Remember all proceeds from the Garden Shop go directly to support the Garden’s Educational mission. Want this discount and all the other perks? Consider becoming a Garden Member.
“We anticipate the week being very busy. We’ll be receiving a lot of new arrivals just in time,” said Pearce.
Open 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily

The felted birdhouses (left) are $32.95. All of our other birdhouses range in prices starting at $13.50.