The Dr. Seuss of Flowers
Ornamental onions like Allium ‘Ambassador’ are great late-spring to early-summer flowers. Both kids and adults love them, and we often hear visitors say they look like “Dr. Seuss flowers.” There are many different types and sizes of ornamental onions — white, yellow, lilac, and blue. So if you plant a variety of colors and sizes, your garden might look even more like a real-life version of a Dr. Seuss book.
We plant our Allium bulbs in the fall, at the same time as daffodils and tulips. They really like well-drained soil, so we keep that in mind when we choose where to plant them. Best of all: the blooms last for weeks and after the bloom fades, even the seed head is beautiful.
Come by and see these beautiful flowers — right now they are in full bloom the Children’s Garden.