Archives for the "virginia" Category

The Earth Moved Under my Feet

by Janice Hunter, Children’s Garden Volunteer,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden “The earth moved under my feet today,” at least that is what I told my husband when he asked about […]

Why Gardening Makes Me Happy

Before I had kids, whenever I felt grumpy, regardless of the season, I started work on my garden. In no time, my grumpiness floated away into the sky or down […]

Jewish Arbor Day in Richmond

by Kristen Ablamsky, PR & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Did you know there is a holiday, native to Israel, that celebrates a new year in honor of plants? […]

There's a Pig in the Garden

by Nancy Turnage, Public Relations & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden A few months ago, while on a mission to capture some fun photos for my Every Day is a Playday blog, […]

Tell Us Your StoryCorps

by  Scott Hornby, Development Writer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Has anyone ever said something to you that was so funny, so gripping, so moving or so powerful that you wished your mind […]

It’s a Wrap at the Community Kitchen Garden

by Albert Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden is now shut down for the winter. Volunteers in the garden produced 9,913 pounds […]

"The Old Tree" is Ready for the Season

by Nancy Turnage, Public Relations & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Last week we told you all about our new addition in the Conservatory — “The Old Tree”.   We are […]

Still Truckin’

by Albert Brian Vick  Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden We’re still truckin’ along in the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden. Although it’s now nearly a week into November, the […]

Power in the Garden

by Albert Brian Vick  Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The last Saturday in October, a group of seven Dominion associates worked at Lewis Ginter’s Community Kitchen Garden. What started out as a […]

Almost Time for Some Greens

by Albert Brian Vick  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator  That’s folksy talk referring to the fall vegetable garden. At Lewis Ginter’s Community Kitchen Garden we have all […]