Archives for the "virginia" Category

Views from The Mile High City

by Randee Humphrey, Director of Education, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The American Public Gardens Association’s “Everyday Magic” conference was held in Denver in late June, and I was fortunate to attend, […]

Keeping Track of the Old Tracks

By Hannah Lindquist, PR & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Starting my journey here at the Garden, I was open to learning anything.  I grew up in Richmond  and knew of its […]

Lettuce Celebrate

Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden   Earlier this week we harvested the last of the spring lettuce cropo in the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen […]

Pitcher Plants in the West Island Garden are Thriving

Photos and text by Jonah Holland , PR and Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden  A cunning carnivore with an inescapable death trap silently waits for prey in some southeastern wetlands. Its […]

Happy Butterfly Education Awareness Day

by Jonah Holland , PR and Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Did you know that Butterfly Education Awareness Day is  today, June 7, 2014? We’re celebrating by sharing some butterfly fast facts […]

Knockout Blooms: The Rose Garden!

by Jonah Holland , PR and Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden To see more photos of the Rose Garden in bloom, visit our Facebook album.

Caught Red-Handed: Mulberry Tree!

I love this time of year — our 100-year-old  red mulberry tree (Morus rubra) in the Children’s Garden is filled with kids, birds and even adults, searching for the blackest, […]

More Botanical Art

by Judy Thomas, Art in the Garden Instructor, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden If you love plants (and we know you do!) come out and see another new exhibit of stunning […]

Knockout Blooms: Siberian Iris 'Blue Moon'

by Jonah Holland , PR and Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden With A Million Blooms at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden,  it’s so hard to choose favorites, but the Siberian iris ‘Blue […]