Archives for the "va" Category

Hula Hoops & Pancakes

Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. ― “The Little Prince,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry I hope my friends […]

A Partnership for the Future

My name is Lia Bazemore and I am interning here at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden through an organization called Partnership for the Future. Partnership for the Future is an organization […]

CarMax FREE Fourth of July

Once a year we open our gates to the public for a free admission day: CarMax Free Fourth of July. This is one of our favorite events because we get […]

Southern Icon’s Ancient Secret

A southern summer wouldn’t be complete without the sweet smell of the southern magnolia blossom. Magnolia grandiflora, an icon of the South, is such a marvelous tree. Its large shiny […]

Helping Hands in the Garden

It’s been a great, but hot, week in the Community Kitchen Garden. This week we took two deliveries to Feedmore’s Community Kitchen for a combined total of 478 lbs. This one […]

Lunch with the First Lady

It’s been two weeks since Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden sent Amina Abdulkadir and Lilah Monroe to help with the season’s first harvest in the White House Kitchen Garden — yet […]

Reflections on Mother’s Day

Last Mother’s Day was our seventh Mother’s Day spent enjoying Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden with my family and my best friend’s family.  You’ve likely read about some of our other adventures […]

Stitching Garden Memories

When Page Robinson sent me a photo of this wall hanging via email last week, all I could think was: This is a labor of love.  In the email she […]

Celebrating our First Harvest

Last week was an important week in the Community Kitchen Garden: we made our first harvest of the season! On Monday morning I had the pleasure of working with Lewis […]