Archives for the "va" Category

Eco-Friendly Virginia Green Certification

At Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden we are committed to doing what we can to help the environment and our Virginia Green program is just a start. After all, our mission […]

Check Out the Seed Library

Are you interested in growing a garden, but intimidated about getting started? Do you want to explore our regional food history from the ground up? Or maybe you just want […]

Fran Purdum: A Legacy

When I came across this sweet garden during a parent-teacher conference at JR Tucker High School I felt warm energy fill my heart as I realized that this grassy area is […]

Best Holiday Lights

It has been my incredible honor to work at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden for the past 10 years. I truly love this place and have been blessed with meaningful work […]

Bflies Instagram Contest Winner

The Bflies Instagram contest continues to be our most popular Instagram contest, year after year. It’s also one of our favorites to judge! You send us the best images — and better yet, share […]

Holiday Parties

Celebrate the holidays with Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden! We’d love to host your upcoming holiday celebration, whether it is a private party,  an office Christmas party, or a thank you […]

Origami Art Visits RVA

Have you seen the Origami in the Garden sculpture exhibition at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden yet?  The outdoor origami art exhibition, which continues through September 30, is included with Garden admission and […]

Connecting People Through Plants

Although they’ve only known each other for two days, 16-year-olds Honoka Sato and Olivia Appelrouth have become fast friends. Sato, a Japanese exchange student from Municipal Urawa High School (Saitama, […]

Gardens Grow Community and More

10 steps for making your own urban garden in Richmond A vacant lot, neighborhood square and school courtyard have something in common. All have potential to be transformed into vibrant […]

Gardening with Ginter Urban Gardeners

Making a Difference One Garden at Time The day I decided to browse the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden website beyond the home page felt very serendipitous. Inspired by the recent Garden […]