Archives for the "rva" Category

Days of Reflection

We have all experienced a significant change in the 18 months since Covid appeared in our world.  Some of us more than others, but none of us can say that […]

Afghan Women’s Garden Beds

This blog post about the Afghan Women’s garden beds was written before the events in Afghanistan the week of August 16, 2021. The women continue to visit their garden beds […]

Healing Art & Zen

A year ago, Liz Hambrick was reeling. It was July 2020, 4 months since the shutdown, and COVID-19 was raging across the country. “I was bored to tears and I […]

Plants Safe for Cats

I’ve spent endless time standing in the plant aisles at my local hardware store searching for plants safe for cats. When owning a cat, finding plants that are non-toxic to […]

Metamorphosis into a Social Butterfly

Butterfly nets, bug boxes and jars filled with lightning bugs. To a child who spends his days exploring the seemingly magical outdoor world, these tools are essential. Sometimes, as we […]

Unicia Buster:
Human Cecropia

My love of moths continues as I channeled the spirit of the Hyalophora cecropia Linnaeus or Cecropia moth, the largest native North American moth for my latest work of art. […]

English Ivy: A “Dirty Dozen” Plant

Have you ever looked along a highway and observed all the trees covered in vegetation from trunk to branches? It was most likely English ivy (Hedera helix), the final of […]

Japanese Honeysuckle: A “Dirty Dozen” Plant

Our Dirty Dozen plant of the week is Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). This ornamental vine is still widely available in the horticultural trade, even though it has invaded all of the […]