Archives for the "rva" Category

Stitching Garden Memories

When Page Robinson sent me a photo of this wall hanging via email last week, all I could think was: This is a labor of love.  In the email she […]

Cecropia Silkmoth Makes a Big Impression

This Cecropia silkmoth (Hyalophora cecropia) is beautiful enough to be in our Butterflies LIVE! exhibit, but actually, it’s not from the exhibit at all. Horticulturist Leah Purdy found this beauty […]

Spiderwort: Nature’s Geiger Counter

It seems like nearly every garden in Central Virginia has them, and they are plentiful here at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden too — in Flagler and Grace Arents Garden.  But did […]

Artist Pam Rogers: Field Investigations

Arlington-based artist Pam Rogers is innately drawn to the natural world. The paintings in her new show: Field Investigations, on display  at Ginter Gallery II, spring from that fascination. Rogers uses […]

Beauty Break: Roses

I’ve seen our Rose Garden bloom more than a few times in my 8 years here. It has a flush if blooms in spring, blooms all summer (granted, with a slow down) […]

A Morning Away “en Plein Air”

The phone! The bills! The kids! When life’s stresses have you ready to lose it, why not take a moment to step away from it all and into an oasis […]

Celebrating our First Harvest

Last week was an important week in the Community Kitchen Garden: we made our first harvest of the season! On Monday morning I had the pleasure of working with Lewis […]

Peony Parade!

A Million Blooms continues through June 1st. That means we have about 3 more weeks for a wonderful parade of flowers: peonies, iris, roses and more. Stay tuned for more posts with photos […]

Garden Love Comes Full Circle

Yesterday I came across these two lovely women as they were exploring the Central Garden. Mother, Therese Wilson, and daughter, Caroline McLean, were going for a stroll on a beautiful […]

A Million Blooms via Instagram

Have you entered our A Million Blooms Instagram contest? You still have time! We have a great prize package from VMFA Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Blooms at the Jefferson […]