Archives for the "rva" Category

Preparing Plants for Snow

Got your bread and milk? Now it’s time to prepare your plants for the snow storm. Here are some tips from our horticulturists: If you have a tree or plant […]

Blooms in Review

A year-end bouquet to you! Thank you for keeping Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden blooming and touching the lives of thousands of people this year. Also, if you’d like to look […]

Bananas Growing in RVA?

Every week or two, depending on the season, and how much the blooms at the Garden are changing, we publish Bright Spots, a listing of many of the highlights you’ll want […]

Living Gifts Keep on Giving

Weary of giving (and receiving!) the same holiday gifts year after year? One solution is living gifts! With a few supplies, a couple hours and a dose of creativity, you […]

Love + Hard Work = Inspiration

Inspiration: The vital life force that adds meaning to everything we do. It sneaks up on us sometimes in unexpected places. A few weeks ago, I found it in a total […]

Holiday Gift Ideas from the Garden

Have you made your list? Checked it twice? Already found out who’s naughty and nice? We’ve made a list of holiday gift ideas for the gardener in your life. Each […]

Dominion GardenFest of Lights

‘Tis the season! Dominion Energy GardenFest of Lights in full swing now. We’ve been sharing photos like crazy on Facebook and Instagram. Have you been by for a visit yet? […]

H2Whoa! Fish Facts

You know the theme of this year’s Dominion GardenFest of Lights is H2Whoa!, but did you know that the Garden uses rainwater for most of its irrigation needs? We love […]