Archives for the "lewisginter" Category

Vines by Design

Vines are not only easy to grow, they’re fascinating. Some varieties twist and twine, while others climb upward or creep outward. Many are easily trained, others mischievously meander. Natives typically […]

Joan Massey: Paintings

Richmond painter Joan Massey’s lifelong love of the natural world has inspired her most recent abstract paintings, where she explores her impressions on colorful, striking canvases. From her home studio […]

Dot’s Garden

Like footprints in the snow, each of us leaves our mark on this world when we pass through it. We touch people’s lives, sometimes in ways that last only a […]

Wildflowers: Heralds of Spring

Fall is the time to plan and plant spring wildflowers  “You anticipate them all winter long, but when you finally find them, they don’t last very long,” said Nancy Vehrs, Prince […]

What’s Cooking in The Community Kitchen Garden?

If 1,200 pounds of fresh-picked summer squash appeared on your doorstep one summer day, what would you cook? Amory James knows. He is the Food Production Manager at FeedMore’s Community Kitchen, […]

Painting with Petals

One thing you can bet on during late summer is that we will have a riot of color in the Children’s Garden.  Another thing you can bet on is that […]

Pollinators: Bee Friendly

The status of pollinators is sad, but true: America is losing pollinators at a remarkable rate. Pollinators are honeybees, wild bees, beetles, wasps, butterflies and moths, as well as birds and […]

Butterfly & “Rockstar” Mina

Sometimes, you just get lucky with the camera. That’s what happened earlier this week when we had our staff “huddle” (a weekly 15-minute stand-up staff meeting) next to the Community Kitchen […]

Mother Nature to the Rescue

Rome wasn’t built in a day. But last week in the Children’s Garden an entire river town was created, destroyed by pollution and erosion and then rebuilt to withstand those […]

A Beautiful, Edible Garden

Have you seen our Edible Display Garden  along Lake Sydnor? It’s newly planted, and we’re continuing to add more specimen as we go.  So far, we’ve planted everything from strawberries to […]