Archives for the "lewis ginter" Category

A Crown Jewel

By Sally Stockslager, Assistant Butterfly Curator at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Ever wonder what the butterflies in our Butterflies LIVE! exhibit think of people gawking at them? Some days they […]

Did you know Pomegranates can Grow in Virginia?

By Caitlin Puffenberger, PR & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Recognize this fruit? It’s a pomegranate from a tree that’s been with the Garden for more than a decade! Horticulturalist […]

Butterflies have Scales? Really!

by Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Butterfly Team  Butterfly wings are covered in many tiny scales that overlap like shingles on a roof. Scales come in many different shapes and in […]

Happy July 4th!

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden If you haven’t heard, admission to the Garden and to Butterflies LIVE! is free on July 4, so come on […]

Floating Wetland Finds a Home at Lewis Ginter

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Photos by Garden Volunteer Jeannie Waltman & Jonah Holland A crew of Garden volunteers and staff from the Chesapeake Bay […]

Getting Ready for Butterflies

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Guess what!?!  Here at Lewis Ginter we are counting down the days ’til Butterflies LIVE!   In fact, it starts less […]

The Tastiest Field Trip Ever

Photos & text by Kristin Mullen,  Early Childhood Program Developer,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden While teaching in the Children’s Garden, I always have an ear out for that moment when the children […]

Sneak Peak: Cigarette Cards in the Library

by Janet Woody, Librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden We will have something new on display in the Lora Robins Library beginning with Heritage Weekend. We received a generous donation of Allen […]