Archives for the "Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden" Category

Top 5 Gifts for Gardeners

I’m sure most of you know someone a family member or a friend that is nearly impossible to buy a gift for, it seems as if they already have everything. […]

Bflies Instagram Contest Winner

The Bflies Instagram contest continues to be our most popular Instagram contest, year after year. It’s also one of our favorites to judge! You send us the best images — and better yet, share […]

Count Nature as a Citizen Scientist

Anyone can become a scientist in three simple steps. First, head outdoors. Second, observe nature. Third, share your findings. Congratulations! You are a citizen scientist. The title may not be credentialed, […]

Goblins and Gourds

Goblins and Gourds Harvest Festival Pumpkin painting, scarecrow stuffing, and food tastings are just a few of the things that you can see and do this fall at Goblins and […]

Mosquitoes vs. Man

A hungry mosquito lurks nearby, evidenced by a high-pitched whining sound. If a female, her target is protein from blood, after which she develops eggs numbering up to 250,000 per […]

Feather-Filled Photos

Graceful. Aerodynamic. Lighter-than-air. These adjectives all come to mind when I look at the photos of the tree swallows captured by Charles Woodrich at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.   Across […]

A Hands-on Learning Day in the Garden

The wonder and beauty of Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden never cease to amaze me each time I visit. But sometimes, I need to remind myself to slow down and take […]

Ginter Herbarium Steps Out

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden’s collection of 4,000 herbarium specimens is now registered in the Index Herbariorum, a major international registry of herbarium plant collections.  This means that our collection is […]

Breweries Grow Garden Partnerships

The explosion of craft beers is no surprise,” said Chris Ray, co-founder of the Center of the Universe (COTU) Brewing Company. Neither is the explosion of growing hops. As a […]

Butterfly Weed

Profile of Asclepias tuberosa: a native plant beloved by butterflies and gardeners alike … Clusters of color. Crown-shaped flowers blaze with bold orange or yellow vibrancy in the summertime. Nectar […]