Archives for the "Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden" Category

Happy 30th Anniversary to Us

by Janet Woody, librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden This week we received a wonderful 30th anniversary gift from local author and cycling enthusiast Tom Houff.  His book “On Richmond’s Wheel” tells […]

Gardening: Growing the Next Generation of Gardeners

by Lynn Kirk, Public Relations Writer,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, reprinted with permission from the Richmond Times-Dispatch “I’m a gardener,” 6-year-old Morgan Veneziano boasted with a big-girl smile. Morgan earned the prestigious […]

Coming Away Inspired……

by Madelyn Phillips, Volunteer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Last week I got to spend a week at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden for a mini-mester-intern experience. I’m a student at Trinity […]

Queen Sago Has Babies 2 Ways

by Diane Carpenter, Public Relations Volunteer,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden  This Queen Sago palm (Cycas circinalis), growing in our Conservatory, was derived from seeds collected on a U.S. exploring expedition […]

Garden’s E-news – Sign Up

Did you know that you can sign up for Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden’s enews to get updates on what’s happening at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden?  In our e-newsletter, we highlight what’s […]