Archives for the "garden" Category

Garden Times Online

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden’s mission is education and our passion is bringing people and plants together to improve our community. We hope that Garden Times does just that — teaching […]

Found Objects & Gardens

Gather found objects, add infinite imagination and create whimsical gardens like none other. That is the premise that inspires Jason Reeves, horticulturist and research associate at the University of Tennessee […]

From the Executive Director

My favorite moment from the Spring at Lewis Ginter: A young mother and three little girls are walking through the Central Garden. Mom is telling a fairytale in a breathless voice. […]

Lunch with the First Lady

It’s been two weeks since Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden sent Amina Abdulkadir and Lilah Monroe to help with the season’s first harvest in the White House Kitchen Garden — yet […]

Unearthly Delights: Sci-Fi Plants for Your Garden

Ok. I’m a nerd. A science fiction nerd. Plants, trees and vegetation have figured prominently in science fiction literature and movies for decades. As an avid garden nerd as well, I delight […]

FREE Garden Admission Now through January 18, 2015

by Jonah Holland,  Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden You know Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is beautiful year-round, right!? Pssssst.  Let me let you in on a little secret! We […]

Gardening: New Year Predicts New Garden Trends

by Lynn Jackson Kirk, Public Relations Writer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden,  reprinted with permission from the Richmond Times-Dispatch   What does 2015 hold for gardening and outdoor living? Health and well-being will remain […]

Walk in the Garden for Fitness!

Did you know Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is a Sports Backers-certified Active RVA Garden? Our new map shows walking loops with distances marked so you can get your workout in while […]