Archives for the "garden" Category

Pretty Poppies Popping

by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator  I don’t know the exact variety of these oriental poppies, but they’re marvelous. These are part of a […]

Happy International Compost Week!

by Erin Wright, Children’s Garden Educator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Erin Wright is passionate about food and plants. This  post was  originally published on Erin’s blog, the Richmond Food Collective. Whether […]

Botanical Illustration and the "Slow Art" movement

by Paula Blair Dabbs, Volunteer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden If the “slow food” movement is about being mindful of what you eat and appreciating it more, then botanical illustration might be considered […]

Work Like a Bee

by Janice Hunter, Children’s Garden Volunteer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Does this remind you of anything?  Could it be the flight path of a honeybee? a firefly? a ladybug?  I […]

Why Gardening Makes Me Happy

Before I had kids, whenever I felt grumpy, regardless of the season, I started work on my garden. In no time, my grumpiness floated away into the sky or down […]

There's a Pig in the Garden

by Nancy Turnage, Public Relations & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden A few months ago, while on a mission to capture some fun photos for my Every Day is a Playday blog, […]

It’s a Wrap at the Community Kitchen Garden

by Albert Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden is now shut down for the winter. Volunteers in the garden produced 9,913 pounds […]

The Year 2011 in Photos

By Beth Monroe, Public Relations Director, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Although we’re always focused on “what’s next” here at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, at the end of the year it’s […]