Archives for the "garden" Category

Raised Planter Gardening

by Janet Woody, Librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Recently we had a request for information about growing vegetables and flowers in a raised planter.  Since I  am not sure if […]

Garden Keeper's Choice: The Empty Pot

by Janet Woody, Librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden It’s nearly time for Dominion GardenFest of Lights and Merry Mondays with the Garden Keeper. GardenFest (or GF as we call it around […]

Rambunctious Radish

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator This headline was a toss-up, among “Radical Radish”, “Ripley’s Radish – Believe it or Not” […]

They Had the Name, But Not the Garden

By Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern It’s been 28 years since Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden first opened its doors to the public.  It’s hard to […]

Stocking Stuffers

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator We have a test bed for Sugar Baby watermelons in the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen […]

Crossing KidQuest off of My Bucket List

by Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern Many schools do not start back until after Labor Day, marking this the last week of summer.  I’ve been […]

Mary Lincoln: Art + Service = One Amazing Young Woman

by Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern This summer while I’ve been a Public Relations and Marketing Intern at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden my passion has […]

Nature’s Perfect Bead

Legend tells us that when Job wept “tears unto God,” his tears fell to the ground, but were not wasted, for each drop grew into a tall, ornamental grass bearing […]

Dye Plants for Botanical Artists

by Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern A pivotal moment in the movie Braveheart, directed by Mel Gibson, is of the Scottish rushing into battle with […]