Archives for the "garden" Category

5 Easy Tips for an End-of-Summer Garden Makeover

by Beth Monroe, Public Relations & Marketing Director, and Grace Chapman, Horticulture Director, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Summer’s end can be a challenging time for gardens. Some plants may not […]

Beneficial Buckwheat

Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Common buckwheat is sometimes used as a “honey crop,” because bees love it, especially in September when […]

Did you know Pomegranates can Grow in Virginia?

By Caitlin Puffenberger, PR & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Recognize this fruit? It’s a pomegranate from a tree that’s been with the Garden for more than a decade! Horticulturalist […]

Butterflies have Scales? Really!

by Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Butterfly Team  Butterfly wings are covered in many tiny scales that overlap like shingles on a roof. Scales come in many different shapes and in […]

Diggin' Potatoes

Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden  This week we harvested 204 lbs. of turnips, zucchini, red potatoes, beets, celery, and cherry tomatoes from […]

A Garden Adventure

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden   With all the rain we’ve been having, it’s no surprise that we’ve had a few creatures trying to find […]

It's a Bloomin' Onion

Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Our yellow onion bulbs didn’t get very large in the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden, but the […]

Plant Lessons from the Desert

Photos & text by Beth Monroe, Public Relations and Marketing Director, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Last week I learned the three characteristics of a desert: 1) extreme temperatures; 2) less […]