Sunny or Cloudy… Either Way, Butterflies Delight!
by Jane Cramer, Assistant Butterfly Curator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
Visiting Butterflies LIVE! is a delightful experience whether you visit on a sunny or cloudy day. Each kind of day has its advantages:
*Butterflies are most active with *Butterflies rest more with a few
many species flying species flying
*Opportunity to feel the uplifting *Opportunity to take close up
energy from the butterflies photos of many species
*More likely a butterfly may land on you *Less likely a butterfly may land on you
We release new butterflies at 10 a.m. daily, and Saturdays at 10 a.m. & 2 p.m., through October 13. Don’t miss this magical experience of seeing many beautiful and colorful butterflies all around you!