Solstice and Solace, Winding up the Season
Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
The Winter solstice, coming up on December 21st, can be associated with darkness and cold, but recognition of the winter solstice traditionally celebrates the return of light, as the amount of sunlight each subsequent day gradually lengthens.
“Solace” means comfort and consolation. In this case solace certainly can come from our reflection on a successful year at the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden, and the promise of more growth can propel us beyond the occasional gloom of winter.
The Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden is designed to provide fresh vegetables to FeedMore Inc., specifically FeedMore’s Community Kitchen, for the preparation of meals used in the Meals on Wheels and after-school feeding programs.
More than 300 individual volunteers contributed nearly 2,000 hours of labor to drive the garden’s 2012 level of success.
Here are a few additional data points:

12,454 pounds of high quality, mostly organic fresh vegetables. The number of meals is based on a USDA factor (1.3 lbs. of vegetables constitutes a meal equivalent).

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