Chemicals, excess nutrients and sediment are the Chesapeake Bay’s biggest pollutants. You may not live near the Chesapeake Bay, but what you do directly affects it – as does what […]
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is constantly changing with the seasons. In spring buds blossom: early crocus give way to daffodils and then tulips take the main stage. Spring ephemerals like […]
It’s a fact, beekeeping can be tough on new beekeepers. No matter how dedicated you are or how nice the equipment you purchased, things can still go wrong. If you […]
I’m sure most of you know someone a family member or a friend that is nearly impossible to buy a gift for, it seems as if they already have everything. […]
A vacant lot on St. Peter Street blighted the Gilpin Court neighborhood for decades. Overgrown grass invited debris. The location supported crime. Most residents paid little attention to the lot […]
Graceful. Aerodynamic. Lighter-than-air. These adjectives all come to mind when I look at the photos of the tree swallows captured by Charles Woodrich at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. Across […]
People right here in Central Virginia struggle with hunger every day. The populations most likely to be affected by hunger, children and the elderly, may have trouble not only getting enough […]
Cucumbers. Tomatoes. Strawberries and collards. Big plans are underway to infuse the community garden at Peter Paul Development Center (PPDC) in Church Hill. Lakeshia Allen, a former engagement coordinator at […]
Backyard birds often wander widely around our neighborhoods during summer, so it can seem that birdlife has diminished. Consider these tips to increase avian traffic in your backyard. Water: Backyard […]
It’s a magical feeling to be in a room surrounded by hundreds of captivating butterflies. This year we are taking the M&T Bank Butterflies LIVE! exhibition a step further with the installation of sound […]