Scoring Big, Then & Now
Note: We already brought you the update on the tally or our deliveries last week, but Albert Brian Vick, our Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator has a special report for you about the details. I love how he always seems to get the inside scoop!
by Albert Brian Vick Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator
We’ve had several super-productive days this week in the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden, thanks to a strong combination of superlative efforts from Lewis Ginter staff and volunteers, and FeedMore staff. The result: 1,104 pounds of fresh produce delivered today, bringing our year-to-date total to 6,802 pounds.

Paul Adams - Community Kitchen Food Resource Assistant - helps to secure the load to prevent the stack from toppling over.
When we rolled up to the Central Virginia FoodBank loading dock we were greeted by FeedMore’s Paul Adams. Paul played football and baseball for Virginia Tech in the mid-70s. Paul entered the collegiate ranks as a .338 hitter with home run power, then focused on football. A four-year letterman running back in football, in 1976, Paul shared VT individual honors for Most Points Scored in a Game (12, vs. Tulsa). Paul still retains his athleticism. He easily lifted 3 crates of tomatoes at a time to help us unload the van. After I lifted my lower jaw from the concrete loading dock I helped Lisa Tedder & Paul unload the produce, power lifting my crates – one at a time.
Lisa, a regular Lewis Ginter Children’s Garden volunteer, answered the call for help in the Community Kitchen Garden today. She helped us harvest, load & unload 1,040 pounds of fresh tomatoes!