Lewis Ginter Plant Sale Vendor and vendor information.

Plant Sale Vendor Information

Apply now to be a vendor at Spring Plant Sale, May 2-3, 2025.  

If you have questions, please call 804-262-9887, x335, or email: PlantFest@lewisginter.org.  If you have special requests, such as the need for electricity, table rental, etc., please note them on your Vendor Agreement.

The deadline for registration is April 1, 2025.

Ready to sign up? Register with the Vendor Agreement (PDF).
And here’s your Accounting Form (PDF).

As responsible garden stewards, vendors cannot sell anything from the Virginia State Invasive Species List at our Plant Sales.  Also due to the Boxwood Blight outbreak and the safety of our vendors and customers, Boxwoods or anything from the Buxaceae family are not allowed on the premises!  

Become a Vendor at one of Central Virginia’s Largest and Best Plant Sales!

Our goal is to offer a wide range of plants and other garden-related merchandise to the community and to our dedicated shoppers while raising funds to support our nonprofit’s mission which is connecting people to plants by inspiring communities to explore and conserve nature.