Plan a Self-Guided Visit with Our Independent Garden Exploration!

An Independent Garden Exploration presents a wonderful opportunity to enhance your classroom curriculum with field studies that include scientific observation, drawing, journaling, and plant identification.

Availability & Pricing

  • Arrival times of 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. are offered on weekdays, upon availability.
  • The cost is $10 per student; payment is due on the day of your visit.
  • One adult per five students is admitted free to allow for designated chaperones and teachers.
  • Additional adults should pay Garden Admission.
  • Pre-registered groups can bring lunch and eat in our outdoor picnic area. Groups scheduled during the summer can enjoy the Waterway splash pad.


To register, contact our Youth Program Logistics Coordinator, Laura Lee Folman, at [email protected] or 804.262.9887 x322 with the following:

  1. Your name, email address, and phone number, contact person’s information (if it is someone other than yourself).
  2. Your organization’s name and mailing address.
  3. Which program topic you would like.
  4. The number of classes you would like to bring.
  5. The total number of students who will attend.

Can't Visit Us In-Person? Take a Free Virtual Field Trip!

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