Teacher Workshops

Wish you could get to the garden for training but stuck at your school/organization? Consider incorporating one of our teacher workshop offerings into your professional development day. Please contact our School and Teacher Program Coordinator, Irmarie Alvira, at irmariea@lewisginter.org for more information.

Free Virtual Teacher Workshops

Sticks, Stones and Pinecones | Pre-K

This program aims to inspire you to use the natural materials in your schoolyard for authentic learning and exploration. By integrating natural materials, collected by students, into lessons, educators promote STEAM concepts. These materials provide countless opportunities for children to inquire, design, build, and problem solve. Hand-on observations also help students connect with the natural world.


Modeling Nature's Cycles | Elementary School

This program provides ideas for implementing project-based learning science themes in the classroom. Demonstrations of how to make a watershed model, a mini composter, and a terrarium are highlighted. By building and working with these models, students can understand nature’s cycles and the effects of human activity on natural systems.


Plants and Pollinators in the Schoolyard | Middle School

This program explains how to introduce students to pollinators that play important roles in nature’s ecosystems by using the Great Sunflower Project. This project is a community science platform that educators can use to help students gain first-hand insight into the intricate relationship between plants and pollinators.


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