Historic Garden Week Comes to Richmond
Historic Garden Week in Virginia is just around the corner. We are so excited and we thought it’d be nice to give you the inside scoop on the Richmond highlights, directly from Suzanne Munson, Executive Director of Historic Garden Week. Although Historic Garden Week is a statewide event, we wanted to draw special attention to the events here in Richmond. And we wanted to welcome you to join us on Thursday, April 21, 2011 — as the Garden stays open late (’til 9 p.m.) in honor of Historic Garden Week. So, after a day filled with touring one amazing house and garden after another, we invite you to sit for a spell, have a glass of wine, and enjoy time with friends in a beautiful surrounding, talking about all your favorite parts of Historic Garden Week.
Please note this article was originally published earlier this month on the Garden Club of Virginia’s Historic Garden Week Blog.
by Suzanne Munson, Executive Director of Historic Garden Week & Special Contributor to Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden’s blog
Behind the Scenes at Historic Garden Week in Virginia – Gifts From the Gardens
Members of the four Richmond clubs of the Garden Club of Virginia are busy inventorying their spring-blooming flowers and plants to share at area Historic Garden Week in Virginia tours in April. Talented GCV members will create fabulous flower arrangements for each of the 23 homes open for the three Richmond events, April 19, 20 and 21, 2011.

5111 Cary Street Road, one of eight remarkable homes featured in the Hampton Gardens/Cary Street Road tour on Tuesday, April 19, 2011.
Members of the GCV clubs in Ashland, Petersburg and approximately 30 other areas will also join in the statewide effort to showcase Virginia’s finest homes and gardens during the entire week, April 16–23, 2011. For details, please visit www.vagardenweek.org. Tour information is posted by event name to the Schedule page, and be sure to review the lovely Tour Highlights section for ideas of beautiful places to visit.
Historic Garden Week is the oldest and largest statewide house and garden tour event in the nation. Sponsored by the Garden Club of Virginia, tours benefit the restoration of important historic grounds and gardens throughout the state.
Embark on walking tours of the capital city’s finest private homes and gardens!
Hampton Gardens/Cary Street Road
Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Explore one of Richmond’s most impressive residential byways, Cary Street Road.
Monument Avenue
Wednesday, April 20, 2011, 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Visit handsome townhouses more than a century old. Monument Avenue is long regarded as one of the most beautiful avenues in America and adorned with monumental statues of historic figures.
Westmoreland Place
Windsor Farms
Thursday, April 21, 2011, 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
This park-like neighborhood features lovely homes and gardens where modern and traditional styles are beautifully paired.
A Picnic Lunch will be served at historic Agecroft Hall on Tuesday, April 19 and Thursday, April 21, 2011.
The cost is $16 each and includes admission to Agecroft’s splendid gardens and grounds. Menu options are posted at www.agecrofthall.com. For reservations please mail a check payable to Agecroft Association, menu choice, and date to the attention of Katie Reynolds, Agecroft Hall, 4305 Sulgrave Rd, Richmond, VA 23221, by Friday, April 8. Limited bus parking is available.
On Wednesday, April 20, 2011, enjoy a box lunch prepared by Richmond favorite Sally Bell’s at the Virginia Center for Architecture, 2501 Monument Ave. $16 each. For reservations, please mail a check payable to Historic Richmond Foundation Council to Debbie Scott, 3805 Sulgrave Rd., Richmond, Virginia 23221, by April 14, 2011.
A Special Event you won’t want to miss:
On Thursday, April 21, 2011, celebrate Historic Garden Week at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. One of America’s most highly regarded botanical gardens, Lewis Ginter opens its gates until 9 p.m. From 5 to 7 p.m., enjoy wine-tasting, outdoor dining and live music; chat with Garden Guides and tour historic Bloemendaal House. Details. For Garden admission, visit lewisginter.org. No admission required for the Garden Shop. Additional ticket required for wine-tasting.
The comprehensive 236-page guidebook, Historic Garden Week in Virginia is now available. Please mail a $6 donation to Historic Garden Week, 12 E. Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219. Or, browse the guidebook in full color online now.
Complete Richmond tour information is available here.
Click here to purchase tickets online.

Some of Richmond’s finest private homes and gardens will be open to the public on three separate tours, April 19, 20 and 21, 2011.
In addition, members of the four Richmond clubs of the Garden Club of Virginia are busy inventorying their spring-blooming flowers and plants to share at area Historic Garden Week in Virginia tours in April. Garden Club members will create flower arrangements tailored to each of the 23 homes open for the tours.
Historic Garden Week is the oldest and largest statewide house and garden tour event in the nation. Sponsored by the Garden Club of Virginia, tours benefit the restoration of important historic grounds and gardens throughout the state.