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It’s time to fill your basket with some bright and beautiful flowers and foliage! With this arrangement, you may be as traditional or creative as you wish. David Pippin will share techniques on how to achieve both looks to suit your style. Take home your lush basket arrangement, certain to enhance your springtime decor.

Fees: Member $73, Non-Member $88

All programs are subject to change. Pre-registration through our website is required.

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden strives to be a Garden for all and we are committed to offering diverse adult learning opportunities that are inclusive and accessible to all learners. If you would like to request an accommodation to support your participation in an adult learning opportunity at the Garden, please contact [email protected] or call 804-262-9887 x320 and we will make our best effort to help.

Register Member $73

Register Non-Member $88

Friday, April 18, 2025
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Details

All floral materials provided. Students should bring sharp floral snips and a basket (with or without handle) and a water-tight liner.

GES: FD, 2, elective*

*This class offers 2 hours of elective credit toward the Garden Education Series: Floral Design Certificate. Non-certificate students are welcome. All levels welcome.

David PippinAbout the Instructor

David Pippin was born and raised in Louisa County, Virginia. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education. Prior to founding David Pippin, Inc. in 2000, he worked and became known for his knowledge and creative talents in a variety of horticultural and education venues in the Richmond area. David’s name is well-known in Virginia’s horticultural world. He is a sought-after designer of inspired floral arrangements, a provider of garden-themed hands-on programs, as well as an educator with a wide range of horticultural knowledge and experience. In addition to running David Pippin, Inc., he is an adjunct professor in the Horticulture Department at Reynolds Community College. He is also a facilitator and consultant for Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom. During the McAuliffe and Northam administrations David served as the floral designer for The Executive Mansion of Virginia.


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