Reblooming Bearded Irises
Cool Season Reblooming Bearded Irises are one of our best-kept secrets at the Garden (don’t tell anyone!). Many in the gardening community remain unaware that bearded irises can flower multiple times in the same growing season if they receive the proper care. This class will focus on site selection, planting tips, maintenance, diseases and insect pests plus recommended varieties of cool season reblooming bearded irises for the Greater Richmond landscape. Instructor Michael Lockatell, a landscape professional and iris expert, will provide a guided outdoor tour to discover these hidden garden treasures with the goal of seeing fall blooms on cool season reblooming bearded irises growing at Lewis Ginter.
All programs are subject to change.
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden strives to be a Garden for all and we are committed to offering diverse adult learning opportunities that are inclusive and accessible to all learners. If you would like to request an accommodation to support your participation in an adult learning opportunity at the Garden, please contact or call 804-262-9887 x328 and we will make our best effort to help.