Schedule of Events
Origami Bicycle Demonstrations
Explore the engineering behind the folding and unfolding of various bike models and take one for a short spin in the Central Garden, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. in the Central Garden.
Documentary film screening: Between the Folds (showtime is 1 hour)
GREEN FUSE FILMS’ Peabody Award-winning documentary Between the Folds chronicles the stories of ten fine artists and intrepid theoretical scientists who have abandoned careers and scoffed at hard-earned graduate degrees—all to forge unconventional lives as modern-day paperfolders.
Showtimes: 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., in the Kelly Education Center, Classroom 1
RVA Origami
Enjoy Origami fun! Discover the fun of paper folding with members of RVA Origami. Take your creation with you or leave it on display in the library. 1-4 p.m., Lora Robins Library
Origami Bicycle Demonstrations
Explore the engineering behind the folding and unfolding of various bike models and take one for a short spin in the Central Garden, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. in the Central Garden
River City Taiko
Join River City Taiko drumming for performances at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in Flagler Garden at the Robertson Pavilion.
***Update***Gamelan Raga Kusuma has moved to Sunday!
Gamelan Raga Kusuma — Featuring Balinese and Javanese Music Ensembles will perform Javanese music at noon and 2:30 p.m. (30-minute performances) and Balinese music at 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. (30-minute performances)
Documentary film screening: Between the Folds (showtime is 1 hour)
Between the Folds chronicles the stories of ten fine artists and intrepid theoretical scientists who have abandoned careers and scoffed at hard-earned graduate degrees—all to forge unconventional lives as modern-day paperfolders.
Showtimes: 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., in the Kelly Education Center Auditorium
Our Partners:
Origami Bicycle is a small, family-owned, business focusing on bicycles for people with limited space, multi-mode commuters, travelers, and anyone who likes a really cool gadget. Our bikes have the capabilities of traditional non-folding bikes but have the added advantage of extreme portability and convenience.
RVA Origami is Central Virginia’s beginner-to-advanced paper folding club, was founded in November 2016 when Spencer Linkous and Daniel Brown joined forces. Through their monthly folding meetups at local libraries, they have built a community of folders who share the joy of paper folding. 
River City Taiko is a community ensemble based in Richmond, VA, that plays traditional Japanese drums.
Gamelan Raga Kusuma is a diverse, community-based ensemble dedicated to the study and performance of traditional and contemporary Balinese orchestral music and dance. They are currently in residence at the University of Richmond.
Exhibit and related activities included with Garden admission.
$13 adults
$11 seniors 55+
$8 Children (age 3-12)
Free for Children under 3
Free for Garden Members
Tickets are available at the Garden 9 a.m to 5 p.m daily and can be bought at the door. You can also purchase tickets online (with a small convenience fee).