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Noah Scalin Wild Art Pop-Up

Grace Arents portrait in gravel, mulch and terra cotta. Pop-up ephemeral art by Richmond artist Noah Scalin.Take advantage of a special opportunity to watch Artist Noah Scalin at work at the Garden on Friday, June 16 and Saturday, June 17, as part of pop-up art related to the Wild Art: A Journey Off-Canvas exhibit.

Scalin, creator of the Webby Award winning project Skull-A-Day and the first artist-in-residence at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Business, will create an anamorphic projection sculpture, meaning the image will only appear when you view it from a specific vantage point.

His subject is Grace Arents, Lewis Ginter’s niece and original benefactress of the Garden. He’ll use broken discarded terra cotta pots and small gravel found at the Garden. The location is on the lawn near the front of the Conservatory. Given that this is ephemeral “pop-up” art, the sculpture will be on display as long as the conditions allow. If the image eventually becomes distorted due to materials shifting, it will be removed; however, given the weight of the materials, it should remain on view for a good length of time.

June 16-17, 2017, Included with Regular Garden Admission



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Friday, June 16, 2017 - Saturday, June 17, 2017
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • This event has passed.
Event Details

Richmond Skull-a-Day artist Noah Scalin. Image by Bill WadmanScalin’s work explores the theme of transience – specifically the temporary nature of our individual lives and tenuous nature of  human existence on the planet. In the same spirit as the sand mandalas of Tibetan Buddhism, much of Scalin’s work is intentionally temporary or ephemeral. Like our own lives, these works revert back to their component parts or are destroyed after a short lifespan, only to exist in documentation and memories after they’re gone.

Richard Feynman by Noah Scalin



