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Grow Native Series
How, Which, Where and Why to Add Native Plants - Janet Davis

Learn about why and how to use native Virginia plants in your landscape

If you’ve heard that using native plants in your yard helps improve the environment for everyone, but are not sure why or how to do that, this series of webinars brings you up to speed on ways to turn your home garden into a native-friendly, sustainable and resilient habitat for birds and other wildlife. Start with the big picture, presented by Dr. Douglas Tallamy, the scientist who has made the case for enhancing the environment with natives, then follow up with a series of webinars that delves deeper into the “how”.

This virtual series is presented via Zoom.

$10 covers the entire series. Attend each program or pick and choose your topics. Another series will be offered this fall to help you continue your efforts and prepare for the winter.

The Plant Virginia Natives Landscaping with Natives webinar series is coordinated and funded, in part, by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through grants from the NOAA Office for Coastal Management to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.

The webinar is also being sponsored and hosted by Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and Blue Ridge PRISM.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  • This event has passed.
Event Details

Janet Scott Davis NativesMarch 9, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
How, Which, Where and Why to Add Native Plants

Janet Davis, Hill House Nursery

Learn to see the garden in a different way, and how to add more native plants into your landscape—and why it matters. By using native plants, employing sustainable techniques and layering our gardens, we become a ‘part of nature’ rather than ‘apart from nature’.

Janet Davis received a Bachelor’s Degree in Horticulture from Virginia Tech and has spent her entire working career growing something—fruit, veggie gardens, indoor plants, herbs and landscape plants, and her daughter, Olivia (now 15). Now known as the “cheerleader” for native plants, Janet Davis operates Hill House Farm & Nursery, which grows and sells only U.S.A. native plants, primarily mid-Atlantic natives and select cultivars. She also offers landscape design and consultation services.


Grow Natives Series