Gardening & Horticulture

Feb 5th, 2013

Oregon Grape Mystifies as it Beautifies

By Grace Chapman, director of horticulture &  Lynn Kirk, public relations writer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Which is it: Oregon grape, Oregon holly-grape, Oregon grape-holly or Oregon grape? Take your […]

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Jan 4th, 2013

Raised Planter Gardening

by Janet Woody, Librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Recently we had a request for information about growing vegetables and flowers in a raised planter.  Since I  am not sure if […]

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Dec 13th, 2012

Seeing Beauty in a New Light: Rose Edition

Photos & text by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Recently, I’ve been struck by how beautiful the Garden is even in winter.  I’m sure it happens […]

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Oct 8th, 2012

Meet 'Ginter Spicy White'

by Jonah Holland, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator  I just got word from our librarian, Janet Woody, a frequent contributor to this blog,  that  the magnolia ‘Ginter Spicy […]

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Sep 11th, 2012

They Had the Name, But Not the Garden

By Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern It’s been 28 years since Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden first opened its doors to the public.  It’s hard to […]

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Aug 22nd, 2012

Nature’s Perfect Bead

Legend tells us that when Job wept “tears unto God,” his tears fell to the ground, but were not wasted, for each drop grew into a tall, ornamental grass bearing […]

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Aug 11th, 2012

Ragweed: This Foe May be a Friend Too

by Laura Schumm, Community Kitchen Garden Research Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Here in the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Community Kitchen Garden we have many rogue plants that have infiltrated our […]

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Aug 9th, 2012

The Down Side of Downy Mildew

Like any vegetable garden, the Community Kitchen Garden here at Lewis Ginter has its fair share of pest and disease problems.  I’m the Community Kitchen Garden Research Intern for the […]

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Aug 8th, 2012

Dye Plants for Botanical Artists

by Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern A pivotal moment in the movie Braveheart, directed by Mel Gibson, is of the Scottish rushing into battle with […]

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Jul 30th, 2012

The Secret Life of Bees

by Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern What do you fear?  For me it’s snakes and getting stung by a bee, which makes working in the […]

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Jun 18th, 2012

Mystical Majesty

Photos  by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator   Text by  Albert Brian Vick & Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator The sacred lotus (Nelumbo […]

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May 7th, 2012

Happy International Compost Week!

by Erin Wright, Children’s Garden Educator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Erin Wright is passionate about food and plants. This  post was  originally published on Erin’s blog, the Richmond Food Collective. Whether […]

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Apr 11th, 2012

Inchworms, and more….

By Frank Robinson, President & CEO, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Let me begin by saying that there are pockets of the region, specifically in Mechanicsville and Hanover County, where extreme populations […]

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Apr 10th, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip & the Robin

by Janice Hunter, Children’s Garden Volunteer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden When I was growing up, spring break family vacations were often built around road trips that my parents planned to […]

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Apr 1st, 2012

Free Bees or Freebies?

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden  Recently, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw an NBC12 article via Facebook on the possibility that State of Virginia […]

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Mar 1st, 2012

Parsnips — I'm a Big Fan

 by Janet Woody, Librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden While cooking some parsnips this weekend, I thought about how nice it is to discover a new food that’s good for you and […]

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Feb 9th, 2012

Why Gardening Makes Me Happy

Before I had kids, whenever I felt grumpy, regardless of the season, I started work on my garden. In no time, my grumpiness floated away into the sky or down […]

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Nov 11th, 2011

Adventures in Moving… with Bees!

by Grace Chapman, Director of Horticulture, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Note:  We recently welcomed Grace Chapman, our new director of horticulture, to the Garden. This blog post is about her […]

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