Nov 19th, 2013

Dried, Designed & Demonstrative

Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The Dominion GardenFest of Lights installation is nearly complete at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. For 2013, the […]

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Nov 18th, 2013

Living Lightly on the Land

by Lynn Kirk, Public Relations Writer,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, reprinted with permission from the Richmond Times-Dispatch Plants might be dormant this time of year, but gardeners don’t have to be. Now […]

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Nov 15th, 2013

Ice is Nice

Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden … except maybe if you’re a citrus grower, and if you don’t have to walk or drive […]

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Nov 13th, 2013

Top 5 Tips for Holiday Tree-Trimming

By Beth Monroe, Public Relations and Marketing Director, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden I feel Scrooge-like admitting it, but decorating a tree is not my favorite thing to do. There, I’ve […]

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Nov 12th, 2013

What's Farm to Schools Week All About?

by Heather Veneziano, Children’s Garden Horticulturist, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden All over the Commonwealth, schools are celebrating Farm to School Week (November 11th -15th). The Virginia Department of Agriculture and […]

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Nov 7th, 2013

The Beauty of Seasons Changing

By Jasmine Kent, PR & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden When I applied for the PR & Marketing internship at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in early September, the weather […]

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Nov 5th, 2013

Meet Tom, the Turtle

By Jasmine Kent, PR & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Watch Tom, the turtle, help his brother find his way back home.

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Oct 31st, 2013

Ginkgos, Kew & Descubes

by Janet Woody, Librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden We recently welcomed a distinguished guest to the garden: Sir Peter Crane, author of a new book called Ginkgo, the Tree that Time […]

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Oct 24th, 2013

A Botanical Makeover in Richmond, Va.

If you’ve ever watched HGTV, you know the allure of the “makeover.” We love to see dramatic, positive change happen right before our eyes. I had the chance to witness […]

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