Jonah Holland

Jonah Holland is Digital Content Manager at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, where she has worked for 14 years overseeing social media, the blog, and the website. She is also a mom, yogi, open water swimmer, gardener, and seeker. She's been known to go for a walk in the Garden and come back with hundreds of plant photos, completely inspired to write her next blog post.

Apr 3rd, 2013

Sneak Peak: Cigarette Cards in the Library

by Janet Woody, Librarian, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden We will have something new on display in the Lora Robins Library beginning with Heritage Weekend. We received a generous donation of Allen […]

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Apr 2nd, 2013

Potato Planting at the Community Kitchen Garden

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Wondering what we’ve been up to lately in the Community Kitchen Garden? POTATOES!  Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator Brian Vick,  made […]

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Mar 28th, 2013

Tyler Rhodes & the Evolution of Orchids

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Even after watching Tyler Rhodes award-winning evolution animated video featuring the drawings and voices of  local school children from William […]

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Mar 28th, 2013

15 Minutes in the Garden with Shannon Smith

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Today, Shannon Smith, Senior Horticulturist, met with staff and volunteers during a “15 Minutes in the Garden” session where we […]

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Mar 21st, 2013

Our Big Children's Garden Secret!!!

by Heather Veneziano, Children’s Garden Horticulturist, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The Children’s Garden volunteers and I have been keeping a secret, but we can’t keep it any more.  In December […]

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Mar 16th, 2013

Saucer Magnolia

When these fuzzy puppies pop it really is the beginning of a roller coaster ride into spring.  These Magnolia × soulangeana blooms are also called saucer magnolias or tulip magnolias. Stay tuned […]

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Mar 11th, 2013

Camellias, the "Winter Rose," Offer Color & Charm

by Lynn Kirk, Public Relations Writer, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden,  reprinted with permission from the Richmond Times-Dispatch If you think winter’s garden can’t sprout flowers, think again. In our Zone 7, several cold-hardy […]

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Mar 7th, 2013

Narcissus 'Cum Laude'

Text and photos by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The daffodils are starting to bloom all over the Garden.  For me one of my favorite things is […]

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Mar 5th, 2013

Reflections on Allison Kiesler

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden The first time I really got to know Allison Kiesler, I was a parent on a field trip with my […]

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Mar 4th, 2013

What's Planned for the 2013 Community Kitchen Garden

Text & photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden   Most of the planning is nearing completion for the 2013 Community Kitchen Garden at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. Beginning […]

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