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High Heat & Low Moisture Stars
Cacti, Conifers, Grasses, Sedums

Explore plants that are adapted to survive in more hostile conditions. Huge varieties of plants are available in “big box stores” as well as native plant nurseries. Some thrive year-round and others must be over-wintered inside. Regardless, you can transform your hostile spaces into beautiful gardens (even a Fairy Garden), travel without water worries and help the environment by conserving water, retaining soil moisture and reducing weeds naturally.

Register Member $0

Register Non-Member $17

Saturday, October 19, 2019
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
  • This event has passed.
Event Details

Cacti, Conifers, Grasses, SedumsPre-registration is required.

This walk is also available on November 7.