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Beekeeping Refresher
for New Beekeepers

It’s a fact, beekeeping can be tough on new beekeepers. No matter how dedicated you are or how nice the equipment you purchased, things can still go wrong. If you are new to beekeeping and struggling just a bit, this class is for you! Discuss what new beekeepers do right, what they don’t do correctly and get help with suggestions to get you going again in the spring. Class participants actively share their experiences to learn from each other, while Jesse The Beekeeper guides discussions and provides time-tested tips, strategies and proven techniques to help you succeed in 2019. The class covers questions about: – Packages vs. NUCs -Pest Control -Swarm Prevention -Productive Feeding and many other useful topics.

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Saturday, March 23, 2019
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • This event has passed.
Event Details

Beekeeping Refresher1 session = 3 hours.  GES: HL, 3, elective*

*This course offers 3 hours of elective credit toward the Gardening and Garden Design Certificate Program.  Non-certificate students welcome.